发布时间:2013/09/13 点击量:

【农政与发展】系列讲座 2013年秋季学期第一讲(总第35讲)
COHD SEMINAR SERIES - Critical Issues in Agrarian and Development Studies (CIADS)
No. 1, Autumn 2013 (Total No. 35)
主 题:我们对后代亏欠了什么?——论气候变化与代际公正
TOPIC: What Do We Owe to Future Generation? - Climate Change and Intergenerational Justice
SPEAKER: Roman Frigg, Reader in Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method, Director of Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science (CPNSS), London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), UK
时 间: 2013年9月18日(星期三) 下午14:00 - 16:00
地 点:中国农业大学西校区 人文与发展学院CIAD报告厅
交 通:东区师生将安排专门车辆接送,东西校区乘车地点均为校车出发地
东区出发时间:13:30 西区返回时间:17:00
联系人:贺聪志,电话:62731061,13810556895 邮箱:hecz@cau.edu.cn
TIME: 14:00 - 16:00, September 18, 2013 (Wednesday)
VENUE: The Auditorium at CIAD building of the west campus of China Agricultural University
No. 2 Yuanmingyuan West Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100193
TRANSPORTATION:Bus service for staff and students from the East campus will be provided. Pick-up points in both East and West campus will be the same as for the university shuttle bus.
Departure from the East campus: 13:30 Departure from the West campus: 17:00
CONTACT:Dr. He Congzhi, tel: 62731061, 13810556895 email: hecz@cau.edu.cn