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Brian Mwiinga,Degree of Master, Zambia, graduated in 2014

发布时间:2015/12/03  点击量:


I chose the program because it fitted so well with my aspirations. I have a background of Development Studies and there was no better program for me to pursue other than Rural Development and Management. There was also no better place for me to get such a qualification other than from China Agricultural University.

During my study in china, I learnt a lot from the program I pursued and my overall experience in China. It is difficult to itemize the valuable lessons one by one.

It was great learning how dedicated and patriotic the Chinese people are towards their country. I learnt from the Chinese that it is possible for a less developed country to change its fortunes and be an economic giant. All it takes is sound policies and visionary leadership.

Before I went to China, I was employed by the University of Lusaka as a Staff Development Fellow (Trainee Lecturer).

Upon graduation from CAU, I was elevated to full time lecturer and a month later I was appointed as Head of department for my School which is Education Social Sciences and Technology. In my position as Head of Department, I oversee 7 academic programs and supervise about 30 lecturers who report directly to me.

The qualification I got from CAU had an immediate impact on my career. It earned me a full time job and a promotion. I am better informed about development vis-à-vis rural development issues which are so critical to my country’s development.

Zambia being a traditional friend to China has a lot to learn from the knowledge I acquired from China and I am trying to share that knowledge with my students and colleagues.

In June this year my University had the privilege of hosting the Chinese Ambassador to Zambia. He was invited by the university to talk to our students and members of Staff on the possible lessons that Zambia can learn from China’s development experience since the reforms of the late 1970s. This was one way of trying to keep our ties with China very strong and healthy even at a micro level.

In the end, I want to talk about my view about the program. The program is very well organized in its current form. The various international professors that the University invites to give talks adds more value to it and must be maintained.