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【学术报告】Resigned Activism: Living with Pollution in Rural China

发布时间:2017/11/03  点击量:

【学术报告】Resigned Activism: Living with Pollution in Rural China



TOPIC    Resigned Activism: Living with Pollution in Rural China

SPEAKER:  Prof. Anna Lora-Wainwright, University of Oxford



TIME: 18:30-20:30, November 6, 2017 (Monday)

VENUE: Room 008, COHD (west campus of CAU)

CONTACT: Dr. Jixia Lu, tel: 62732644, 18610320044



Anna Lora-Wainwright is Associate Professor of the Human Geography of China in the School of Geography and the School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies at the University of Oxford. She has a PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropology from Oxford University; an MA in Chinese Studies and a BA in Anthropology, both from the School of Oriental and African Studies, London. Before taking up her post in Oxford, Anna worked as a lecturer and research fellow in Contemporary Chinese Studies at the University of Manchester. Anna's current research covers a diverse range of topics, including: experiences of urbanisation and land loss; resistance to waste incineration; the production and contestation of knowledge around pollution; environmental health activism and the formation of 'environmental health subjects.'


She is the author of Resigned Activism: Living with Pollution in Rural China (2017) and Fighting for Breath: Living Morally and Dying of Cancer in Rural China (2013). She edited a special collection for The China Quarterly on 'Dying for Development: Pollution, Illness and the Limits of Citizens' Agency in China' and co-edited (with Peter Wynn Kirby) a special section in the journal Area titled 'Peering Through Loopholes, Tracing Conversions: Remapping the Transborder Trade in Electronic Waste'. Her research has appeared in World DevelopmentAREAPositionsSocial AnthropologyThe China JournalThe China Quarterly, the Journal of Contemporary ChinaEvidence and Policy and the Pace Environmental Law Review.


Link to: http://www.geog.ox.ac.uk/staff/alorawainwright.html