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【青年学者交流会】第1期:Agrarian Roots of the Brazilian Social Formation

发布时间:2019/03/25  点击量:


Topic: Agrarian Roots of the Brazilian Social Formation  


Speaker Fabiano Escher, external researcher at the college of humanities and development studies, china agricultural university




  :  2019327日(星期三) 15:00 - 16:30


联系人:汪淳玉,电话:6273237413810556895  邮箱:wangchyu@cau.edu.cn



TIME: 15:00 - 16:30, March 27, 2019 (Wednesday)


Dear all,

Our college is organizing a seminar series particularly for young scholars like you. This seminar series is in English and named as "Academic Journey Explorations" (AJE), consisting of three blocks: (1) Reading club, in which you are welcomed to share a book that is identified as key/Must-read book by our professors, or a book that you are interested in; The book list will be released in the first session of the seminar; (2) Young Scholars' Research, in which external and internal young scholars are invited to give a speech on a certain research topic based on his or her published papers/books; (3) Dissertation Progress Seminar, in which PhD candidates (or MA candidates upon request) report their progress in dissertation, or give a report based on a paper submitted but refused or with major revision.

The main purpose of this seminar series, as you can see from the above, is to give some help while you are exploring your own academic journey (i.e. AJE).

Attached please find the poster of the first session of this seminar series. We sincerely hope this will be a good start of many wonderful achievements and memories.

All the best,

AJE committee







