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副 教 授
发布时间: 2020- 11- 06









2020.9至今  中国农业大学人文与发展学院外语系,讲师

2018.3-2020.9  北京师范大学中国基础教育质量监测协同创新中心,博士后

2015.8-2016.2   加拿大女王大学教育学院,访学

2013.9-2018.1   北京师范大学外国语言文学学院,外国语言学及应用语言学博士

2010.9-2013.7   北京师范大学外国语言文学学院,外国语言学及应用语言学硕士

2005.9-2009.7   江西师范大学外国语学院,英语学士




1. Yang, L., & Wu, Z. (2018). Designing listening tests: A practical approach, Language Assessment Quarterly, 15(4):426-428.

2. 杨吕娜. (2019). 图片在二语听力测评的应用及其启示. 外语测试与教学, (1):27-36.

3. 杨吕娜, 武尊民.(2019). 核心素养视域下英语学科看的能力的内涵与构成初探. 中小学外语教学, (10):23-29.

4. 杨吕娜. (2018). 诊断性评价研究发展. 中国考试, (9):49-57.

5. 杨吕娜, 武尊民.(2018). 图像在初中英语教材听力任务中的使用情况分析.中小学外语教学, (12):13-17.

6. 杨吕娜, 武尊民. (2017). 《通过概要写作测评阅读能力:探索用概要填空任务评价阅读理解能力》评介. 外语测试与教学, (1):60-64.

7. 杨吕娜, 武尊民. (2015). “向同一框架并进”-“第36届语言测试研究学术研讨会”综述. 外语测试与教学, (1):59-63.

8. 杨吕娜, 武尊民. (2014). 剑桥考试中心语言测试研究系列简述. 外语测试与教学, (4):45-59.






1. 国家教育考试科研规划重点课题,GJK2019023,初中英语学业水平考试与中国英语能力等级量表的对接研究,主持;

2. 博士后管委会项目,“博士后国际交流计划”学术交流项目,主持;

3. 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目,15JZD049,中国英语能力等级量表建设研究组构能力子项目组,参与;

4. 北京师范大学智库项目,学业过剩陷阱——我国基础教育重大风险研究,参与;

5. Mapping Language Use and Communication Challenges to the Canadian Language Benchmarks and CELPIP-General LS within Workplace Contexts for Canadian New Immigrants, CELPIP-General research grant,参与;

6. 北京师范大学中国基础教育质量监测协同创新中心项目,区域教育质量健康体检与改进项目,参与;

7. 国家基础教育质量监测项目英语学科监测,参与;



1. Organizational Competence in Language Teaching, Learning and Assessment. TBA. Symposia organizer of the 19th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Groningen, the Netherlands.               

2. Exploring the consequential validity of low-stakes regional education quality assessment for junior school students. 2019.7. Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Language Testing and Assessment and Inaugural Meeting of China Association for Language Testing and Assessment, Guangzhou, China.

3. Mapping the English Literacy Test System onto the China’s Standards of English Language Ability. 2018.12. Paper presented at the International Conference on Language Testing and Assessment, Beijing, China.

4. Examining the equivalence of two picture-based listening tasks for Chinese eighth graders. 2018.10. Paper presented at the 5th International Conference of the Asian Association for Language Assessment, Shanghai, China.

5. A Cognitive validation study of picture matching task used in measuring English listening comprehension for eighth graders in China. 2018.9. Paper presented at the 51st Annual Meeting of the British Association of Applied Linguistics, York St John University.

6. Working on the China’s Standards of English—Organizational competence specified. 2016.11. Paper presented at the Second International Conference on Language Testing and Assessment, Hangzhou, China.

7. Chinese English Language Education Forum. 2015.11. Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada.

8. An Investigation into cognitive evidence for validating a visual literacy task in listening assessment. 2015.3. Paper presented at the 37th Language Testing Research Colloquium, Toronto, Canada.

9. Raters’ decision-making process of assessing EFL writing performance in a large-scale achievement test. 2014.8. Paper presented at the 17th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Brisbane, Australia.

10. 2019第二届全人发展与智慧教学研讨会,合作开展“读写课堂与教师评价素养”工作坊,北京外国语大学,2019

11. 担任中国英语能力等级量表系列培训教师,教育部考试中心与British Council联合举办,2019


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