发布时间:2020/09/21 点击量:

COHD SEMINAR SERIES - Critical Issues in Agrarian and Development Studies (CIADS)
No. 1, Autumn 2020 (Total No. 88)
主 题 | 全球化与民族主义:解决“无解问题”的必要性 |
TOPIC | Globalisation and Nationalism: The Need to Solve an Insoluble Problem |
主讲人 | 加文·基钦,澳大利亚社会科学院院士,新南威尔士大学政治学教授 |
SPEAKER | Gavin Kitching, Fellow of the Australian Academy of Social Sciences; Emeritus Professor of Politics, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia |
主持人 | 叶敬忠,中国农业大学人文与发展学院教授、院长 |
CHAIR | Ye Jingzhong, Dean and Professor of the College of Humanities and Development Studies, China Agricultural University |
语 言:英文
时 间:2020年9月24日(星期四)14:00-16:00,北京时间
地 点:Zoom,1360-2020-36
TIME: Beijing, 14:00-16:00, Thursday, 24 September 2020
VENUE: Zoom, 1360-2020-36
CONTACT:Zheng Yuyang, tel: 62738519, 13141466896, email: zyy89@cau.edu.cn
88 Gavin Kitching CAU Presentation-20200924 bilingual.pdf