Beyond the Global Land Grab
日期:2021-12-28  点击量:
作  者:
Gustavo de L. T. Oliveira, Juan Liu, Ben M. McKay
The conjunction of climate, food, and financial crises in the late 2000s triggered renewed interest in farmland and agribusiness investments around the world. This phenomenon became known as the 'global land grab', and sparked vibrant debates among social movements, NGOs, international development agencies and various government...more
Routledge, 2021

Beyond the Global Land Grab: New Directions for Research on Land Struggles and Global Agrarian Change

1. Beyond land grabs: new insights on land struggles and global agrarian change 
Gustavo de L. T. Oliveira, Ben M. McKay and Juan Liu 
2. Land grabs, farmworkers, and rural livelihoods in West Africa: some silences in the food sovereignty discourse 
Adwoa Yeboah Gyapong 
3. Bitter sugarification: sugar frontier and contract farming in Uganda 
Giuliano Martiniello 
4. Access to land and the Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil in Colombia 
Christelle Genoud 
5. Landed value grabbing in the terroir of post-socialist specialty wine 
A. June Brawner 
6. Expulsion by pollution: the political economy of land grab for industrial parks in rural China 
Hua Li and Lu Pan 
7. Grounding Chinese investment: encounters between Chinese capital and local land politics in Laos 
Juliet Lu 
8. Shared interest or strategic threat? A critical investigation of political debates and regulatory responses to Chinese agricultural investment in Australia 
Michaela Böhme 
9. Unpacking the finance-farmland nexus: circles of cooperation and intermediaries in Brazil 
Bruno Rezende Spadotto, Yuri Martenauer Saweljew, Samuel Frederico and Fábio Teixeira Pitta 
10. Network companies, land grabbing, and financialization in South America 
Andrea P. Sosa Varrotti and Carla Gras