Chapter 1 Introduction
1 The Story of the Wealthiest Man
2 A Contract Society? Research Question and State of the Field
3 Sources: The Qingshui River Region and Beyond
4 Analytical Framework and Synopsis
Chapter 2 Rediscovering Contracts in the Qingshui River Region
1 Introduction
2 Contracts: Legal Definitions and Chinese Practice
3 Contents of a Contract: Beyond Agreement
4 Identifying Contracts by Form: The Internal and External
5 Paper Matters: The Materiality of Contracts
6 The Tripartite Structure of Contracts: A Theory
7 Conclusion
Chapter 3 Middlemen
1 Introduction: Understanding Middlemen Within a Contract
2 The Primary and the Secondary: Formation and Restoration
3 The Primary Level: Introducers, Witnesses, and Guarantors
4 The Secondary Level: Arbitrators and Peacemakers
5 The Middleman as the Third Party and the Third Party as the Middleman
6 Conclusion
Chapter 4 Scribes
1 Introduction: Taking Scribes Seriously
2 The Demand for Scribes
3 Drafting of a Contract by a Scribe
4 The Scribe’s Fee
5 Conclusion
Chapter 5 The Functioning Mechanism of Contracts in the Society
1 Introduction: Contracts in Their Context
2 The Question of Honoring Contracts: Departing from the myth of Enforcement
3 Recognition and the Rightfulness of the Contract
4 Making Recognition Provable: The Publicity and Perpetuity of Contracts
5 In Contract we Trust? A Blockchain-Like Trust Network
6 Restoration of Order: Challenges from Breaches and Forgeries
7 Private Contracts and Public Order: Public Issues and Limitations
8 Conclusion
Chapter 6 Conclusion
Appendix: A List of the Qingshui River Manuscripts