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发布时间:2022/12/04  点击量:

Embedding the poor into the industrial system: what we can learn from poverty alleviation through industrial development in China


Lu Pan, Jingzhong Ye, Chunyu Wang

Corresponding author: Chunyu Wang, e-mail: wangchyu@cau.edu.cn

The Journal of Peasant Studies, Published online


Abstract: Poverty alleviation through industrial development in China contributes to the long-standing debate on how the poor could benefit from the development. It creates four industrial organizing approaches (i.e. households operating independently, intermediary organizations providing linkages, modern enterprise leading and asset income distribution) and three ways of participation for the rural poor (i.e. participating as petty commodity producers, wage workers and shareholders), in which productivity has been improved and production relations adjusted. While highlighting the specificity of China’s situation, this paper argues for the more general implications of China’s case for other developing countries due to its theoretical hybridity in addressing poverty alleviation and development.

Keywords: poverty alleviation through industrial development; China experience; rural poor; development

Embedding the poor into the industrial system.pdf

Link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/03066150.2022.2137408