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职 称:教授
[20]YU Lerong and Li Xiaoyun. The Effects of Social Security Expenditure on Reducing Income Inequality and Rural Poverty in China.Journal of Integrative Agriculture.2021(4)SCI
[21] Yi Xiaoyan and Yu Lerong etal. The Effects of China’s Organic-Substitute-Chemical-Fertilizer (OSCF) Policy on Greenhouse Vegetable Farmers.Journal of Cleaner Production.2021(4).SCI
[22]Yu-Lerong, Luo-Renfu, Zhang-Linxiu. Decomposing Income Inequality and It’s Policy Implication in Rural China. China & World Economy. (Vol.15 No.2, 2007.SSCI ).
[23]Chengfang Liu, Linxiu Zhang, Haomiao Liu, and Lerong Yu. Women’S Cultivated Land Rights In Rural China: Facts And Perceptions. Resurreccion, Bernadette P. and Elmhirst, Rebecca, eds. (2008). Gender and Natural Resource Management: Livelihoods, Mobility and Interventions. London: Earthscan.
[24]Yu Lerong. An Assessment of Economic Impact of Avian Influenza (AI) Outbreak on Poultry Producers in Rural China. Working paper for ICPEM2009, Searched by ISTP,2009.11.
2022-2025 年 乡村振兴试验示范研究,赤峰市乡村振兴局
2020-2023年 乡村振兴中扶贫资产经营模式转换研究,国家社科基金一般项目
2020-2021年 乡村振兴战略下的东西部协作,国家乡村振兴局
2018-2021年 益贫式增长及包容性发展视角下精准脱贫政策的效果评价研究,教育部人文社科规划基金项目。
2018-2020年 实现“脱真贫”“真脱贫”跟踪评估研究,“阐释党的十九大精神”国家社科基金专项。
2017-2020年 澜沧-湄公河流域合同农业研究,澜湄基金-柬埔寨资源与发展研究所。
2018-2020年 承包地确权实践效果研究,农业农村部。
2018-2020年 土地规范流转研究,农业农村部。
2019-2020年 东西部扶贫协作独立评估,原国务院扶贫办。
2019-2020年 国际减贫发展趋势研究,原国务院扶贫办。
2019-2020年 脱贫攻坚中边缘人群与返贫问题研究,原国务院扶贫办。
2018-2019年 贫困县摘帽案例研究,原国务院扶贫办。
2018-2019年 2020年后中国减贫战略研究,原国务院扶贫办。
English Version
Dr. Yu Lerong
College of Humanities and Development Studies
China Agricultural University
No.2 Yuanmingyuan West Road, Haidian District
Beijing, 100193, P.R.China
Phone: +86-10-62733851
Fax: +86-10-62731027
Email: yulerong@cau.edu.cn; yulerong0729@126.com
Dr. Lerong Yu got her doctoral degree on development economics and rural development from Chinese Academy of Science in 2007. At the same year she became the staff member of College of Humanities and Development (COHD), China Agricultural University (CAU). She is now the professor of Department of Public Administration and Development Studies.
Her main research interests include rural development and transformation, impact evaluation of policy and program. Much of her current research is concerned with the interaction of economic growth, income distribution and poverty reduction, especially taking China and African countries as cases. She teaches development economics,regional economics and social research methods for undergraduates and master students.
Research Areas
· Rural Development and poverty reduction: analysis of the implementation effect of development policies and main problems; exploring the interaction of the policy making, adaptation process and the policy context; evaluation of the policy impacts, especially on poverty alleviation.
· China and Africa agricultural cooperation: analysis of China’s agricultural aid for Africa; exploring the gap of aid objectives and implementation; evaluating the effectiveness of aid with the perspectives of development and political economy, particularly looking at the difference between China’s aid and western aid model, particularly OECD-DAC countries. Besides, How China’s private investors act in Africa is also a focus.
· Regional economics and related issues: analysis of the paths and models of different regions, exploring the inequality between rural and urban areas and causes in China case; looking at the relationship between economic growth and poverty reduction. Besides, the research focus extended to land use, environmental issues and animal diseases control at regional level.
· Gender and development issues: Starting from land tenure, looking at the situation of rural women’s land rights and main problems integrating with the context of China’s rapid urbanization and modernization; analysis of women in poor and how they resist the poverty etc.
Selected Recent Publications
· YU Lerong and Li Xiaoyun. The Effects of Social Security Expenditure on Reducing Income Inequality and Rural Poverty in China.Journal of Integrative Agriculture.2021(4) SCI
· Yi Xiaoyan and Yu Lerong etal. The Effects of China’s Organic-Substitute-Chemical-Fertilizer (OSCF) Policy on Greenhouse Vegetable Farmers.Journal of Cleaner Production.2021(4).SCI
· Yu Lerong, Luo Renfu and Zhang Linxiu. Decomposing Income Inequality and It’s Policy Implication in Rural China. China & World Economy. Vol.15 No.2, 2007. SSCI.
· Liu Chengfang, Zhang Linxiu, Liu Haomiao, and Yu Lerong. Women’s Cultivated Land Rights in Rural China: Facts and Perceptions. Resurreccion, Bernadette P. and Elmhirst, Rebecca, eds. Gender and Natural Resource Management: Livelihoods, Mobility and Interventions. London: Earthscan.2008.
· Yu Lerong, Li Xiaoyun, Wang Libin. (translation) An Assessment of Economic Impact of Avian Influenza (AI) Outbreak on Poultry Producers in Rural China: Based on the Analysis of Two Periods Panel Data. China Rural Economy. Issue 7, 2009.
· Yu Lerong, Li Xiaoyun, Wang Libin, Zheng Honge. (translation) An Analysis on Changes of Poultry Producers’ Economic Behavior after AI outbreak. Issues in Agricultural Economy. Issue 7, 2009.
· Yu Lerong , Li Xiaoyun, Wang Libin, Zheng Honge. An Assessment of Economic Impact of Avian Influenza (AI) Outbreak on Poultry Producers in Rural China. Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Public Economics and Management. November, 2009. ISTP.
· Yu Lerong, Zuo Ting. (translation) Transformation of China Rural Economy and Agricultural Production in 1978 and 2008. Economic System Reform. Issue 1, 2010.
· Li Xiaoyun, Yu Lerong, Qi Gubo. (translation) The Impact of China’s Economic Growth on Poverty Reduction, An Empirical Analysis from national and regional perspectives , China Rural Economy, Issue 4, 2010.
· Yu Lerong ,Li Xiaoyun. (translation) the Impact of Income Growth and Allocation on Poverty Alleviation in China Rural Areas. Inquiry into Economic issues, issue 1, 2013.
As one of main authors, she also published several academic books include the following.
· Change and Development: 30-Year Review on Chinese Rural Development, China Agricultural Press, 2009.
· Report of China Rural Status of 2008, Social Science Academic Press, 2009.
· Social Impact Evaluation of Natural Disaster, Social Science Academic Press, 2009.
· Development and Risk: Social-economic Impacts of HPAI Outbreaks and Control Measures on Small households, Social Science Academic Press, 2010.
· Development economics, China Agricultural University Press, 2011.
Selected Courses she delivers
· Development Economics to undergraduate students. She is the third author of the Book, Development Economics (Chinese). Associating with practices of developing countries, this book systematically introduces the Development Economics Theories and economic factors of development and tries to look at the economic growth process and it’s consequences with critical perspectives.
· Gender and Development to undergraduate students. She is a main coordinator of Gender and Rural Development Network supported by National Women Federation of P.R.China. This network provides researchers and actors with a communication platform on gender issues, particularly on China rural women’s status and development. About 40 universities and research institutes are included in this network. Some issues such as left behind women, women land rights and barriers of rural women’s development are discussed in annual workshop of this network.
· Regional Economics to M.sC students, including the some of international students annually. As a course for the master students majored in rural regional development, regional economics introduces and discusses the following topics: location theories, regional industrial accumulation theories, regional industrial organization theories, regional economic development theories, economic zoning and planning, trade and economic regionalization, management of specific areas. Besides the basic theories and methodologies, this course will use more materials on rural China particularly the West China for citation, case analyzing and discussion.
Selected Key projects relevant to Rural Development Studies
· As a team leader and the key coordinator, organizing and writing the report to the International Development Research Center (IDRC) about the issue of Social-economic Impacts of HPAI Outbreaks and Control Measures on Small-scale and Backyard Poultry Producers in Asia in 2009.
· As a team leader, writing the report on Impact Evaluation of Disaster and Reconstruction after Disaster in China funded by UK Department for International Development (DFID) in 2009.
· As a team member, writing the report to International Poverty Reduction Center in China (IPRCC) on the issue of Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction in 2010.
· Responsible for conducting the project of Review and impact evaluation on China’s Poverty Reduction Policies funded by Ministry of Education from the year 2010 to 2012.
· As a team member and the key coordinator, writing the report to World Bank about the issue of Developing Agriculture-Led Growth and Reducing Poverty in Tanzania in 2010.
· Responsible for designing, constructing and operation of the Gender and Rural Development Website in China Agricultural University, including the modalities covering Gender and Development Research and Expertise, Gender Issues and Programs, Gender and Development Practices and Network, as well as the some materials on training and learning. The website is now running well on sharing and promoting the academic and professional knowledge of gender and rural development studies in China.