国际学者来信慰问学院师生 愿与中国人民团结一致共克时艰
发布时间:2020/02/27 点击量:
17 Ben Cousins 17/02
I write to commiserate with you on the outbreak of this horrible virus and its impacts on you and your colleagues. I believe it has severely affected universities and researchers, and the long term impacts remain unknown. What a nightmare! Solidarity in hard times, dear colleague. Here's wishing that the situation improves sooner rather than later...
With warmth, and best wishes
Prof Benjamin Cousins
DST/NRF Chair in Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies and Senior Professor
Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS)
University of the Western Cape,South Africa
本杰明·卡曾斯(Benjamin Cousins)
18 Raj Patel and farmers from Malawi 16/02
It has been a little while since we were in touch, but I've always treasured your hospitality and our time together. I've been thinking of you, in the teeth of the Covid19 nightmare, and I know the trials of the COHD community.
Here in northern Malawi, where I find myself, I shared the news with the farmers with whom I'm working, and they shared this message of solidarity:
“Farmers around the world know what it is like to be forgotten but we remember each other. From here in Bwabwa in northern Malawi we send greetings of solidarity. We are very concerned with our friends, from China with the corona virus. We are concerned for you and we are putting in our wishes that this plague should pass you. We are together with in your sorrow, and send solidarity and strength.”
I do the same, and wish all the best to you, your family, and all our comrades
拉吉·帕特尔(Raj Patel)
19 Roy Huijsmans 15/02
I hope this finds you well despite the difficulties caused by the Covid-19 situation. I hope your friends and families are managing okay, and please also send my best regards to the other great people I have met at your Institute.
I am right now in Laos, conducting a follow up research with rural youth I started working with in 2007 (so they are now really young adults). The research is going fine and so far Laos seems to be escaping the Covid-19 situation but then again test facilities are very weak here so I do not think all is necessarily fine here.
Please hang in there, and much hoping for better times very soon!
Best wishes,
Roy Huijsmans
International Institute of Social Studies (ISS)
(part of Erasmus University Rotterdam)
罗伊·惠斯曼斯(Roy Huijsmans)
20 Ruth Castel-Branco 14/02
I am writing, as part of the Southern Centre for Inequality Studies in South Africa, to express my solidarity with you, the COHD, CAU and the country, as the People’s Republic of China struggles to battle the Corona virus. My time at COHD as part of the JPS summer writeshop was a unique opportunity to get to know the college and connect with scholars from across the global South—an opportunity for which I will be forever grateful. Please do let us know if there is any assistance you may need and I look forward to continuing to connect.
With much solidarity,
Ruth Castel-Branco
Researcher, Future of Work
Southern Centre for Inequality Studies (SCIS)
露丝·卡斯特尔-布兰科(Ruth Castel-Branco)
21 Sergio Coronado 14/02
The shocking news of the recent weeks from China reveals not only the fragility of humanity but also the urgency of cross-border solidarity and support.
I'm sure that the brave people of China will resist this crisis as much as they have resisted others. While the storm passes, I want to express my solidarity with you and with all the friends from COHD at CAU. I have the highest gratitude towards you for your hospitality at our last JPS Writeshop.
All the best,
Sergio Coronado.
Free University of Berlin, Germany
塞尔吉奥·科罗纳多(Sergio Coronado)
22 Deniz Pelek 15/02
I am one of the attendees who participated in the workshop on Critical Agrarian Studies in July 2019.
I would like to express my sadness about the current situation. I have great memories about China (thanks to you). I believe that this virus will be completely erased in beautiful China very soon! Until this time, I wish a patient to you!
Take care and greetings for everyone there!
With all my best wishes
Deniz Pelek
Deniz Pelek, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral researcher
Department of Political Science
Universitat Autonòma de Barcelona
德尼兹·佩莱克(Deniz Pelek)
23 Tsegaye Moreda Shegro 17/02
I can imagine how difficult it is for you and our friends and colleagues at COHD and the entire population in China during this very tough moment of the ongoing public health crisis. I really want to say that my thoughts are with you, friends and comrades at COHD during this challenging moment. I stand in solidarity with you all at all times, and please take care of yourself. Please know that I have been thinking about you. I hope everyone in your family is okay.
This shall pass soon!
My best wishes,
Assistant Professor of Agrarian Studies
International Institute of Social Studies (ISS, The Hague)
Erasmus University Rotterdam
策加耶·莫雷达·希格罗(Tsegaye Moreda Shegro)
24 Venkat Ramanujam Ramani 15/02
I am writing from Bangalore, India, to express solidarity with the CoHD community. I was a recipient of the warm hospitality extended by you and your colleagues at CoHD during the JPS Writeshop last year, and am writing out of the widely shared concern for the CoHD community among fellow Writeshop-mates about the distress caused by the coronavirus. I hope all of you are safe and well and would like to send much positive energy to you and your colleagues. You are in the thoughts of many of us at the moment.
Warm regards,
PhD Candidate
Academy of Conservation Science and Sustainability Studies,
Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE),
Sriramapura, Jakkur Post, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
文卡特·拉马努贾姆·拉玛尼(Venkat Ramanujam Ramani)
【翻译/汪淳玉 刘娟 责任编辑/王树远】