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职 称:副教授
本科生:国际社会问题与社会政策(必修); 人口与发展(选修)
1. Xiaobo Hua*, Yasuyuki Kono, Le Zhang. (2023) Excavating agrarian transformation under ‘secure’ crop booms: Insights from the China-Myanmar borderland. The Journal of Peasant Studies. 50(1): 339-368.
2. Xiaobo Hua*, Le Zhang, Yasuyuki Kono. (2022) Fruit booms and investor mobility along the China-Myanmar and China-Laos borders. Ecology and Society. 27(3): 35.
3. Xiaobo Hua*, Yasuyuki Kono, Le Zhang, Erqi, Xu, Renshan Luo. (2020) Land rental in a multi-ethnic society: Insights from Southwest China. Land Use Policy. 97. 104743.
4. Xiaobo Hua*, Yasuyuki Kono. (2020) Reconsidering land system changes in borderlands: Insights from the China-ASEAN borderland. Problemy Ekorozwoju. 15(1): 179-187.
5. Xiaobo Hua*, Yasuyuki Kono, Le Zhang, Erqi Xu, Renshan Luo. (2019) How transnational labor migration affects upland land use practices in the receiving country: Findings from the China-Myanmar borderland. Land Use Policy. 84: 163-176.
6. Xiaobo Hua, Jianzhong Yan*, Yili Zhang. (2017) Evaluating the role of livelihood assets in suitable livelihood strategies: Protocol for anti-poverty policy in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau, China. Ecological Indicators. 78: 62-74.
7. Xiaobo Hua, Jianzhong Yan*, Huilian Li, Weifeng He, Xiubin Li. (2016) Wildlife damage and cultivated land abandonment: Findings from the mountainous areas of Chongqing, China. Crop Protection. 84: 141-149.
8. Xiaobo Hua, Jianzhong Yan*, Xiang Liu, Yingying Wu, Linshan Liu, Yili Zhang. (2013) Factors influencing the grazing management styles of settled herders: a case study of Nagqu County, Tibetan Plateau, China. Journal of Mountain Science, 10(6): 1074-1084.
9. Dan Yin, Qingxu Huang*, Chunyang He, Xiaobo Hua, Chuan Liao, Luis Inostroza, Ling Zhang, Yansong Bai. (2022) The varying roles of ecosystem services in poverty alleviation among rural households in urbanizing watersheds. Landscape Ecology. 37. 1673-1692.
10. Le Zhang, Juxiang Song, Xiaobo Hua, Xiaojian Li*, Dingguo Ma, Mingjun Ding. (2022) Smallholder rice farming practices across livelihood strategies in southern China. Journal of Rural Studies. 89: 199-207.
11. Pan Wang, Jianzhong Yan*, Xiaobo Hua, Liu Yang. (2019) Determinants of livelihood choice and implications for targeted poverty reduction policies: A case study in the YNL river region, Tibetan Plateau. Ecological Indicators. 101: 1055-1063.
12. Jianzhong Yan*, Huilian Li, Xiaobo Hua, Kui Peng, Yili Zhang (2017) Determinants of engagement in off-farm employment in the Sanjiangyuan Region of the Tibetan Plateau. Mountain Research and Development. 37(4): 464-473.
13. Le Zhang*, Yasuyuki Kono, Xiaobo Hua, Lin Zheng, Rui Zhou. (2017) Understanding farmers’ adoption decisions for new cash crop: Evidence from Xishuangbanna, tropical China. Problemy Ekorozwoju. 12(2): 99-108.
14. Jianzhong Yan, Yili Zhang, Xiaobo Hua, Liang Yang. (2016) An explanation of labor migration and grain output growth: findings of a case study in eastern Tibetan Plateau, China. Journal of Geographical Sciences. 26(4): 484-500
1. 花晓波, 阎建忠* (*为通讯作者), 袁小燕. (2014) 劳动力务农机会成本上升对丘陵山区农地弃耕的影响——以重庆市酉阳县为例. 西南大学学报(自然科学版), 36(1): 111-119.
2. 花晓波, 阎建忠*, 王琦, 张叶生. (2013) 大渡河上游河谷与半山区耕地利用集约度及影响因素的对比分析. 农业工程学报, 29(20): 234-244.
3. 花晓波, 阎建忠*, 刘祥. (2013) 定居牧民对草地退化的适应策略——以那曲县为例. 山地学报, 31(2): 140-149.
4. 苗毅, 苏晓波*, 宋金平, 花晓波. (2021) 瑞丽、畹町口岸区城市扩张过程与特征. 地理研究. 40(6): 1716-1731.
5. 李彩瑛, 阎建忠*, 花晓波, 张镱锂. (2019) 农户生计对气候变化的敏感性研究综述. 气候变化研究进展. 15(3): 290-300.
6. 李彩瑛, 阎建忠*, 花晓波. (2018) 青藏高原“一江两河”地区农牧民家庭生计脆弱性评估. 山地学报. 36(6): 930-941.
7. 李赞红, 阎建忠*, 花晓波. (2015) 大渡河上游种植制度变化及其影响因素——基于2006与2011年的跟踪研究. 自然资源学报, 30(10): 1750-1761.
8. 何威风, 阎建忠*, 花晓波. (2014) 不同类型农户家庭能源消费差异及其影响因素——以重庆市“两翼”地区为例. 地理研究, 33(11): 2043-2055.
9. 李赞红, 阎建忠*, 花晓波, 辛良杰, 李秀彬. (2014) 不同类型农户撂荒及其影响因素研究——以重庆市12个典型村为例. 地理研究, 33(4): 721-734.(本文入选2017年度“领跑者5000-中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文”)
10. 袁小燕, 王满, 花晓波. (2012) 基于ArcGIS的乡级土地利用规划数据库建设研究. 西南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 37(9): 85-91.
1. Xiaobo Hua. (2022) Review of Global Production Networks and Rural Development by Bill Pritchard. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. 43(2): 215-216.
2. Xiaobo Hua. (2021) Review of Rural Development in Southeast Asia: Dispossession, Accumulation and Persistence by Jonathan Rigg. Southeast Asian Studies. 10(2): 329-331.
3. Xiaobo Hua*, Jianzhong Yan. (2015) The risk of protection: The dilemma between wildlife protection and cropland use under ecological restoration. Global Land Project (GLP) News. No. 12, 70-74.
4. 张镱锂, 成升魁, 摆万奇, 刘峰贵, 徐增让, 吴雪, 阎建忠, 赵志龙, 鲁春霞, 花晓波, 罗磊, 张华, 高俊刚. (2014) 青藏高原土地系统变化及区域发展战略研究. 2012-2013青藏高原学科发展报告(专题报告). 北京: 中国科学技术出版社 (p. 240-263, 278-279).
1. 2023.1.1-2025.12.31,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:空间相互作用阻隔影响下中缅边境不同民族村寨农户的生计响应与土地利用变化(42201108),主持;
2. 2022.1-2022.10,中国农业大学基本科研业务费项目,基于投资者视角的中国与东盟国家边境水果投资与农业集约化研究(2022TC082),主持;
3. 2020.4-2024.3,日本学术振兴会科研费-基础研究(B),Sovereignty, Capitalization, and Uncertainty: Global Political Economy from the Vantage Points of Four SEA and GMS Borderlands(20H04422),主研(主持:Tangseefa Decha 准教授);
4. 2019.10-2021.3,日本学术振兴会科研费-研究活动启动支援,Agrarian transformation under small-scale agribusiness investment for fruit crops in the China-ASEAN borderland(19K23128),主持;
5. 2017-2018,日本科学协会笹川科学研究助成基金:中国とASEANの跨境域における土地利用変化と地域住民の生業転換に関する研究(29-123),主持;
6. 2013-2014,北京大学-林肯研究院城市发展与土地政策中心“论文奖学金”项目:“青藏高原传统藏区生计转型,土地利用变化与可持续发展”,主持;
7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:大渡河上游典型区近30年来生计多样化与土地利用变化(41071066),参与(主持:阎建忠 研究员);
8. 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)全球变化专项“青藏高原气候系统变化及其对东亚区域的影响与机制研究”第四子课题:青藏高原生态与社会经济系统对气候变化的响应与适应研究(2010CB951704),参与(主持:张镱锂 研究员);
9. 国家自然科学基金—IIASA国际合作交流项目:城市化对山区土地利用及生态压力的影响——以重庆统筹城乡改革试验区为例(41161140352),参与(主持:李秀彬 研究员)