> 学术研究 > 英文论文
发布时间: 2023- 11- 07

How agricultural contracting services are reshaping small-scale household farming in China.

Chen Yiyuan & Jiao Changquan

Corresponding author: Jiao Changquan, email: jiaochangquan@pku.edu.cn

The Journal of Peasant Studies, Published online

Abstract:This study examines the development of the ACS industry by taking the Agricultural Machinery Service (AMS) industry as a case study and discussing its impacts on small-scale household producers. Drawing upon the theory of ‘appropriationism’, this article shows that, by replacing family labor input, AMS providers take a share of the total agricultural income. As family labor input decreases, the producers are increasingly marginalized in the distribution of agricultural income. Even if small-scale household producers still retain small plots of land, they have increasingly lost control over the farming process and become increasingly subsumed to capitalism.

Keywords:Small-scale household producers; appropriation; agricultural contracting services; agricultural mechanization; land transfer

How agricultural contracting services are reshaping smallscale household farming in China.pdf

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/03066150.2023.2225420

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