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【新发展知识讲坛(总第96讲)】Marina Rudyak:比较视野下的中国国际发展合作
发布时间: 2024- 06- 25


主讲人:Marina Rudyak  海德堡大学

主持人:陆继霞  中国农业大学



主讲人简介:Marina Rudyak is a sinologist working on the intersections of China Studies and International Development at Heidelberg University. Her research focuses on China as a global development actor, specifically Chinese foreign aid and development lending policy, the implications of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and China in Central Asia and Africa. Previously (2009-2013), she worked for the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) in Beijing. There, she was the was a Program Manager of the multi-country project “Regional Economic Cooperation and Integration Asia-China”, which provided policy advice and capacity building on cross-border economic cooperation and trade to central and local governments in China and neighbouring transition economies.

讲座内容简介:China is a leading provider of international development cooperation, offering both concessional and non-concessional forms of development finance. Defining its development finance as South-South Cooperation, China has not joined the OECD DAC or the Paris Club and has expressed diverging views from G7 donors in the World Bank on the best ways to support development. Reconciling these differing approaches to development cooperation has proven challenging in the Common Framework restructuring process. 

Resolving this issue may require developing a shared language on development.In her talk, Dr. Marina Rudyak, a former German aid professional with GIZ and a long-term scholar of Chinese aid, will focus on the key differences between the Chinese international development cooperation model and the approach of the OECD DAC. 

She will first address the varying understandings of the concept of “development” itself, including its historical background, various dimensions, and the interconnection between development and modernization. She will then discuss the different forms of Chinese concessional and non-concessional international development finance, analyzing where Chinese and DAC assessments of development finance flows and the terms “concessional” and “commercial,” or “official” and “commercial,” overlap and diverge, explaining the logic behind these differing assessments. The talk will also examine China's participation in the World Bank. Finally, the talk will address China’s participation in the Common Framework, focusing on the differences in the internal logic behind the diverging approaches between the Paris Club and China. 

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