发布时间:2013/04/26 点击量:

COHD SEMINAR SERIES - Critical Issues in Agrarian and Development Studies (CIADS)
No. 3-4, Spring 2013 (Total No. 27-28)
2013年4月25日(周四)全天 Time: April 25, 2013 (Thursday)
时间(Time) |
主讲人(Speaker) |
题目(Topic) |
塞尔吉奥·绍尔,巴西巴西利亚大学教授,农政研究中心研究员 Sergio Sauer, Professor at University of Brasilia, Researcher in the Center for Agrarian Studies, Brazil |
主题:土地斗争——巴西的土地改革与社会运动 Topic: Struggles for Land - Land Reform and Agrarian Social Movements in Brazil |
12:00-14:00 |
午餐(免费提供) Lunch (provided by the organizer) |
本·卡曾斯,南非西开普大学资深教授(行政管理学院贫困、土地与农政研究所前主任) Ben Cousins, Senior Professor at University of the Western Cape (the former Director of PLAAS, School of Government), South Africa |
主题:21世纪南部非洲的土地改革——津巴布韦与南非之比较 Topic: Agrarian Reform in Southern Africa in the 21st Century - Comparing Zimbabwe and South Africa |
16:00-17:00 |
咖啡时光 Coffee Time |
地 点:中国农业大学西校区 人文与发展学院CIAD报告厅
交 通:东区师生将安排专门车辆接送,东西校区乘车地点均为校车出发地
东区出发时间:9:30 西区返回时间:17:00
联系人:贺聪志,电话:62731061,13810556895 邮箱:hecz@cau.edu.cn
VENUE: The Auditorium at CIAD building of the west campus of China Agricultural University, No. 2 Yuanmingyuan West Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100193
TRANSPORTATION:Bus service for staff and students from the East campus will be provided. Pick-up points in both East and West campus will be the same as for the university shuttle bus.
Departure from the East campus: 9:30 am Departure from the West campus: 17:00 pm
CONTACT:Dr. He Congzhi, tel: 62731061, 13810556895 email: hecz@cau.edu.cn