发布时间:2014/11/03 点击量:245

【农政与发展】系列讲座 2014年秋季学期第二讲(总第51讲)
COHD SEMINAR SERIES - Critical Issues in Agrarian and Development Studies (CIADS)
No. 2, Autumn 2014 (Total No. 51)
主 题:后现代发展与中国机会
TOPIC: Postmodern Development and the Opportunity for China
主讲人:约翰·B. 科布,美国克莱蒙神学院英格拉哈姆教授;美国中美后现代发展研究院创始人及院长;美国过程研究中心创会主任;美国国家人文科学院院士
SPEAKER: John B. Cobb. Jr., Ingraham Professor of Theology, Claremont School of Theology; Founder and President of the Institute for the Postmodern Development of China; Co-founder and Co-director of the Center for Process Studies; Academician of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences; USA
时 间: 2014年10月30日(星期四) 下午14:00 - 16:00
地 点:中国农业大学西校区 人文与发展学院CIAD报告厅
交 通:东区师生将安排专门车辆接送,东西校区乘车地点均为校车出发地
东区出发时间:13:30 西区返回时间:17:00
联系人:贺聪志,电话:62731061,13810556895 邮箱:hecz@cau.edu.cn
TIME: 14:00 - 16:00, October 30, 2014 (Thursday)
VENUE: The Auditorium at CIAD building of the west campus of China Agricultural University
No. 2 Yuanmingyuan West Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100193
TRANSPORTATION:Bus service for staff and students from the East campus will be provided. Pick-up points in both East and West campus will be the same as for the university shuttle bus.
Departure from the East campus: 13:30 Departure from the West campus: 17:00
CONTACT:Dr. He Congzhi, tel: 62731061, 13810556895 email: hecz@cau.edu.cn